Tax reform on the table for 2017 – member input needed

One of the most important jobs we do as an organization is to represent you, our members, on issues and concerns affecting your businesses. We ask you to please open the survey and spend the few minutes it will take to complete it to provide us with valuable input.

One of Kentucky REALTORS’ top priorities in 2017 is tax reform. During the 2017 State of the Commonwealth Address, Governor Matt Bevin indicated that he plans to call a special session later this year to reform Kentucky’s tax code. In a recent interview, Governor Bevin stated:

“I think people will be surprised at what I am going to be proposing when we have a special session later this year to address taxes and pensions. I mean I do think that we can have overall tax rates come down while effectively gathering more revenue by not exempting so many things. We have so many tax loopholes in this state. We’ve got to move to stopping the production tax where we’re suffocating those that produce the wealth of this state…We should be moving to more of a consumption-based tax.”

It is our understanding the Governor hopes to begin unveiling his plan in the next couple months to gain support from stakeholders prior to the special session being called. Current indications are this will take place sometime in September. In order to ensure we understand what tax-related issues are important to you and your business, while also having an opportunity to get in front of the key decision-makers in the Executive Branch and Legislature, we would appreciate you completing the following survey. Your input will be used to establish our Legislative Priorities for the Special Session.  


Your input is invaluable to us and our organization’s leadership will be using the data and input you provide us to guide them in determining our Legislative Priorities and the strategies we will use to be involved in them.

Thank you in advance for being an engaged member and doing your part to ensure we are the most effective business advocacy organization in the Commonwealth.